The Church at Four Corners is a replant of two churches. In 2021, the two congregations of Bedrock Church and Crossroads Church combined with the assistance of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Billings, and the Church at Four Corners was born. Prayer, partnership, and participation of all church members have resulted in a new direction for our church. We have great anticipation for what it to come and invite you to join us as we begin our journey. Our goal is to help all people discover their place in God’s story. We do this by loving God, obeying Christ, serving the community, and multiplying disciples.

Vision and Values









Lance McMahen

Lead Pastor

Lance was born and raised in central Ohio where he met and married his high school sweetheart, Jen. They have three thriving adult children and one amazing grandson. They enjoy spending time outdoors, traveling, being with family, and cheering on the Ohio State Buckeyes! Lance also enjoys many hobbies such as r/c cars and collecting sports cards. He received his Bachelor Degree in Youth and Family Ministry from Boyce College in Louisville, KY and is currently working towards a Master of Divinity from Southern Seminary. Lance has served in ministry since 2004 in a variety of roles from Worship, Student Ministry, Associate and Executive Pastor. He is passionate about missions and coordinates local outreach opportunities as well as national and international mission trips. He has a huge heart for the lost and has a passion to reach and teach the next generations with the Gospel of Christ.

Joe Espinosa

Worship Leader

Joe was born and raised in La Puente, California. He was born again and baptized in 1998 at Arcadia Bible Church. From then on, he studied youth ministry/music with an emphasis in percussion/vocal at the Master’s college from 1999-2001. He and his wife, Angela, moved to Bozeman in 2009. Joe has served in various church leadership positions, including his recent time as the worship pastor at Bozeman Christian Reformed from 2022-2024. He is currently in the process of receiving his ACBC certification for Biblical counseling. Joe is talented in singing, guitar, bass, drums, and percussion.

Hannah Putnam

Administrative Assistant

Hannah was raised in Hattiesburg, MS, where she attended both high school and college. She graduated in 2023 with a BS in chemistry. Not long after, she and her husband, Campbell, moved up to Bozeman for him to attend grad school at MSU. Hannah is passionate about discipleship and teaching, having led several college women’s Bible studies. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, game nights with friends, hiking, and finding good coffee shops.